Rehabilitation for children affected by war

Rehabilitation for children affected by war

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"Hipotherapy helps to overcome the stress that people received due to the military aggression of the rUSSIAN federation, - Diana Shevchuk tells,  - horses are very sensitive to person's condition and help to relax. A horse is like a good psychologist. Even if someone is afraid to ride a horse, but simply strokes the horse, there is a therapeutic effect. Horses have a positive effect on a person's psychological state."

Communicating with a horse and taking care of it are very useful for children. It teaches them kindness, sensitivity, a sense of responsibility, develops the ability to trust. Some children may even share secrets with these animals. They learn to listen to their partner and be more attentive. A feeling of aggression and anxiety leaves them a bit at a time.

Communication with animals helps the child to get rid of the feeling of loneliness and strengthens self-esteem. Children become more focused and confident after realizing that they can control such a large, strong animal.

We conduct familiarization classes with horses for children, who were forced to move to Lviv during the last months. Children get pleasure from riding horses, and we from communication with children. They are courageous and brave children from different parts of Ukraine. From the first lesson, almost everyone shows excellent results: they quickly master the basics of riding, learn to understand horses. We are glad that we can give positive emotions to our guests and look forward to the next meetings in:

Equestrian Club "Silver Horseshoe"


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