Aid to Ukrainian Defenders from the Polish military

Aid to Ukrainian Defenders from the Polish military

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Help for the Defenders

February 24 undoubtedly changed the course of European history. This date clearly showed - "who is a friend, and who is not." Poland stood by Ukraine not only by helping refugees, but also by repelling russian aggression and supporting the Armed Forces.

In the first days of the war, representatives of the 1 Podlaską Brygadę Obrony Terytorialnej Białystok approached our Fund. They asked: what military of the specified military unit as private individuals can do for the Defenders of Ukraine. Since that period, our friends from this military unit have been helping with the necessary equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on a permanent basis. As people who themselves are engaged in military affairs, they understand what is most needed for the soldiers and pass on what is necessary.

Our volunteers visited our Polish friends several times and conveyed greetings from Ukrainian soldiers from the front line. As a combat relic, the Polish military keeps in the military unit 2 flags from the front lines, which we handed over by our volunteers - this is the flag from the unit of special operations forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the second is from the anti-aircraft missile brigade, which defends the skies of Ukraine in the area of hostilities.

Chevrons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are the best gift for our friends who wear them on their military uniforms as a sign of support and recognition of the achievements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.


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